Mission statement

All information on this website is updated by parents like you. By recommending and rating places on this site, you will earn points that will be added to your user account. The more point you earn the more reliable your recommended places will become.

Why was this web site created?

We have little children at home and grew tired of trying to figure out where to take them for lunch or to play. So we decided to launch this web site/application so parents can share collective information of child friendly places to visit.

How does it work?

Database is updated and rated by collective parental users. It is up to us to rate, comment or edit which will keep it up to date. The more places we update the easier it will be for us to find out where to go with our children.

What kind of places to add and how to update them?

This web site is indented for parents. You should therefore update child friendly areas and places for kids (playgrounds, soft plays or restaurants with designated areas for children). It is easy to update the address as the web site uses goggle whisper and you can update the location by using the arrow on the map. By adding new areas you can collect points which will then enable you to edit and comment on existing places.

Why add new places?

It is easy. The more areas you add the easier you can find the ideal place for you and your children. This database requires your input for it to be successful. So please think of yourself and others as well and keep updating. I no longer want to go to restaurants which advertise play area and find just a box with pencils.
Do you?

How to edit or delete?

Existing places already have some points given by author. To be able to edit or delete place it will need to gain at least 70 points.

What is Meet&Play and how does it work?

Meet&play is new option we have created for users to be able to send requests to other users and parents to join them in the park or their favourite location.
By inviting users to Meet&play in your location you get the oportunity to meet new people and friends.
GO on and try it out:)

What is Watchdog and how does it work?

Watchdog enables you to subscribe for automated notifications about activities/Meet&Play requests and newly added places in your location.
Just select and name radius you want to be notified about and wait for the emails to come in.
You can select more than one locations in the main menu under your login details.

Score system

By using this web site, each user can collect user points.
Collect points by:

Aktivita Points Mistrovství
Registration 10pts
Adding new place 20pts Vkladatel
Editing 15pts Vkladatel
Recommend to delete 15pts Vkladatel
Share on social media 10pts Kybic/Komentátor
Commenting 10pts Kybic/Komentátor
Confirm 20pts Návštěvník
Scoring 5pts Návštěvník
New Meet&Play 20pts Společník/Pořadatel
Join Meet&Play 10pts Společník/Pořadatel
Author reserves the right to add points to users that are actively supporting this project :-)

Work with us is (for) fun

We are looking for helpers and volunteers for these roles:

  • Šiřitel - hledáme někoho, kdo nám pomůže s rozšířením komunity uživatelů portálu. Ať pomocí online marketingu, sociálních sítí či pomocí různých akcí.

  • Ambasador - hledáme ambasadory, lidi, kteří nám pomohou s oslovováním uživatelů a případně provozovatelů v dalších zemí kromě Česka.
    Zvláště pak hledáme ambasadory pro Slovensko, Německo, Francii a Anglii.
    Chcete-li vědět víc napište nám email. Rádi vám naši představu ambasadora představíme.

  • Vystavovatele - hledáme podnikatele i jednotlivce mající kamennou provozovnu se zbožím pro děti a rodiče, kde by bylo možné, v zájmu dobré věci vystavit náš leták či samolepky.

  • Partnery - hledáme portály zaměřené na děti či rodiče, kde by bylo možné vystavit náš banner či si vzájemně sdílet odkaz.

This role is ideal for someone on parental leave who would like to try doing something different and at the same time help and support our project. In fact it could be a great way of active resting for anyone who is willing to give us some time.

As we are non profit organisation there is no payment as such but of course we would discuss rewards for your help

If you like our idea and want to be a part of it, please contact us via email We would love to hear from you.


Pokud se chce stát partnery oslovte nás emailem na web(zavináč), děkujeme